We’re excited to announce our next open call for our upcoming issue: YOUTH

The open call will run through Aug 20 2024

Selected artists will be showcased in our upcoming print issue, website and social media feeds. 

Open Call Topic: YOUTH

This call is open to all ages. Age is a peculiar thing; as we grow older, we gain more experience and insight into the world. Our experiences are shaped by our upbringing and circumstances. While younger generations may not have all the answers (and neither do we), they possess endless possibilities and the luxury of time. We aim to reflect on the world from the perspective of young people everywhere.

What does the future hold for today’s youth? If you are a young upcoming artists, what moves you? How did you imagine the world would be when you were young? What was your experience growing up? How did you see the world then, and how do you see it now? How do your children see their world and their future? These are just some of the questions we seek answers to.

Our aim is to discover or rediscover the possibilities and complex questions about the world, society, and art from the perspective of a new generation.

Our submission process works through a membership model.

How does the membership work? There is a $30 (CAD) membership fee. This is a one time payment to access the project page. It is not a recurring subscription. The project submission page can be accessed any time during the submission period by community members. You’re welcome to make as many submissions as you’d like as part of your membership to this project. Why is there a submission fee? We’re an independent arts organization supported by our community. We do not receive government funding or sponsorships. Our open calls are accessible through a membership model to each project. This ensures that we have a central place for a dedicated community to create the project. With your membership you also directly help to keep the lights on at BROAD.

Payment of the submission fee/membership does not guarantee the submitted artwork to be selected. Curation for the print publication is at the discretion of our curators and editors. All selected contributors will be contacted within two weeks after the open call deadline.