Terrance Donsereaux - Error

Error by Terrance Donsereaux is a photographic series which meditates on society’s obsession with technological vices. Here, Donsereaux centres our technological obsession within scenes of beauty and everyday surroundings to highlight the dichotomy between growing technical advancements and our own personal growth. This series ultimately questions our willingness to attach ourselves, and evolve around, technology whilst beautiful moments in life seemingly pass us by. Continue below for some excerpts from Donsereaux’s process!

- Alexa Fahlman

Photo Nov 04, 5 50 49 PM.jpg
Photo Oct 01, 2 23 52 PM.jpg

A major key for this coming to life was the Vaporwave genre; I often lay in bed staring up at my ceiling with a colored light that matches my mood and I’m able to think clearly this way. If I close my eyes and allow myself to mentally bend and distort with the music, the creativity just pours endlessly for me; I imagine myself in a white blank space/void that no one can penetrate and I let the music paint and distort my already subconscious thoughts about everything. Vaporwave is also very nostalgic in the sounds and samples that it uses which I’m very fond of because it reminds me of a simpler time in life. With my portrayal of a computer head symbolizing how I see us a technologically enveloped society, I’m also deeply connecting to Vaporwave.

Photo Oct 03, 11 37 39 AM.jpg
Photo Oct 03, 11 41 22 AM.jpg

Another part of the process is to not stress about the process all too much or worry about what other people are doing so I love disconnecting from my sources of technology and keeping to myself. I can be a bit of a hermit at times and its honestly great because its hard to truly focus on myself with outside noise. I personally can’t progress being absorbed into my phone 24/7 or by not taking the time I should to focus, work and love myself and what I do each day. Somedays the process is soaking in a lavender and peppermint bath while playing pokemon, sometimes it’s throwing on Casablanca with a bottle of Riesling next to me, and somedays its rewatching Vines that I won’t let die because it brings me joy.

Photo Oct 09, 4 23 07 PM.jpg
Photo Oct 14, 2 44 14 PM.jpg
Photo Oct 14, 2 56 14 PM.jpg

A really good book I read while creating this series was “Technopoly” by Neil Postman, his excerpts about the surrender of culture to technology served as part of the foundation of what Neo Futuro is. I love how accurate his predictions are about how we’ve evolved as a society and through that how we’ve surrendered the very culture of who we are. I also read a ton of self help books that helped me refine myself during a very tough time and in that, I refined what my art meant to me and what I wanted to portray from the core of my being. I figured if I could make a distinct art form that’s relatable to me personally, then people could interpret it how they will.

Photo Sep 17, 10 00 05 AM.jpg