John Paul Quigley - Últimos dias de Verão
A selection of photographs by Irish photographer John Paul Quigley. As spring approaches, we’re reminded of the warm weather’s romance with opened windows and lightened restrictions. Looking back on 2020, Quigley reflects on what had been a long spring and even longer summer, often times bound by the walls of his apartment. Quigley and his partner had a planned a trip to Lisbon for some time, and faced the dreaded two weeks quarantine upon return to the UK. What proceeded were the following photos. For a brief few days, Quigley writes, “Covid-19 seemed non-existent, we had a sense of freedom again and the locals were as happy as we were.” His series, Últimos dias de Verão, The Last Days of Summer, offers a short series of colourful memories in what had been a grey year for many.
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- Alexa Fahlman