Rhizome is a philosophical concept that describes a nonlinear network of heterogeneous elements that connects any point to any other point. The rhizome metaphor was adopted by the philosopher Gilles Deleuze and by the psychoanalyst Félix Guattari in their work “A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia” (Mille plateaux, 1980).
It characterizes a type of philosophical research that gives rise to what would later be called" rhizomatic thought", a type of thought that would have a fundamental nature of allowing an open circulation between concepts, favoring differentiated paths and unprecedented connections. Therefore, the goal of this long-term photographic project-series, entitled "✻.·.·✧.·.·✦⌇.·.·✧☄︎☄︎.·.·✦⑊" is to collect indefinite number of photographs conceived and irrationally generated by emotional impulses. They'll then be placed in a rhizomatic order to find connections, original paths, new interpretations and hidden meanings.