Excerpt from walking conversation:
J – Do you feel like this removal of murals – maybe like this one, in this Social Realism style – was part of a 'de-Sovietising' process?
O – I would think about it as a... like a desperate run. You know? Not a conscious one, just a desperate one, I would say, because, and this is only my opinion, no matter what happens to a country, plainly running away from our history is never the right option, I think. It will not give you anything good, at least.
J – To erase it?
O – Yeh. Because, by erasing your own history, I think, you are even more prone to delve into a completely new identity which will, very likely, have a nationalistic character to it. Like a new wave of… “this is what defines us” and “this is why we are better than others”, by conclusion. You know? And I think that’s dangerous. I think we should always keep a debate – an actual perception of what our different histories were and how they interacted to come to what we are today.